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  • A.




    Vacation Leave. All permanent employees are eligible for vacation leave. Employee will accrue 3.33 hours per month beginning date of permanent employment. After 6 months, end of the probationary period, permanent employees are eligible for 20 hours or two and one-half (2½) days of vacation leave. (Firefighters will be granted one and one-half (1½) shifts for the purpose of vacation leave.). New Employees will continue to accrue 3.33 hours of vacation leave until they obtain their first year status. At the end of the 1 st year, the employee will have earned 40 hours or five (5) days of vacation leave. Vacation Leave will be accrued on a monthly basis based on the total years of continuous service.


    On their 2 nd anniversary date, two (2) years of continuous service—Five (5) days of annual leave. (Firefighters will earn three (3) shifts).


    On their 3 rd anniversary date, three (3) through five (5) years of continuous service—Ten (10) days of annual leave. (Firefighters will earn six (6) shifts).


    On their 6 th anniversary date, six (6) through ten (10) years of continuous service—Fifteen (15) days of vacation leave. (Firefighters will earn nine (9) shifts).


    On anniversary date with eleven (11) years of continuous service, or more — Twenty (20) days of vacation leave. (Firefighters will earn twelve (12) shifts).

    After three (3) years of continuous service, employees may work during their vacation leave period up to a maximum equal to one-half (½) of the total vacation leave earned per year. Employees who choose to work a portion of their vacation leave time will receive the normal pay, plus vacation leave for the period worked.



    Normally, vacation leave must be used during the twelve-month period following the year's service for which it was earned, but, at the option of the City Council, vacation leave up to five (5) days (three (3) shifts for firefighters) can be carried over to the next year without penalty. The nature of work performed by various departments may require the identification of time periods when vacation leave cannot be taken. In all instances, vacation leave shall only be granted with prior approval of the department head or designated supervisor.



    Probationary employees will not be permitted to take vacation leave during the period of probation.



    In no case will vacation leave be advanced to any employee, nor will an employee be allowed to charge more hours to vacation leave than has been earned for actual service. When an employee exhausts vacation leave, time off must be charged to leave-without-pay. The employee's pay check for the period will be reduced accordingly.



    Upon termination of employment, employees will be paid for vacation leave earned as of the total accrued hours earned and unused as of the date of termination.

    Note: The foregoing notwithstanding, all employees are encouraged to make maximum use of their vacation leave. This benefit is granted to provide employees a rest from the work routine thereby creating a higher degree of personal efficiency and effectiveness. Supervisors at all levels are expected to arrange their schedules to allow employees to take vacation leave whenever possible.


    Sick Leave. All permanent employees are eligible for sick leave with pay. Sick leave is accrued at the rate of one (1) day per month of employment. (Firefighters will accrue one (1) shift every two (2) months). Employees in probationary status are not authorized to take sick leave, however, such leave time will be accrued retroactively once the employees are granted permanent employee status. Employees may accrue an unlimited amount of sick days. Accrual continues when an employee is on sick leave or vacation leave. Employees do not receive pay for unused sick leave under any circumstances. (Mo. of 6-5-79). Any accumulated sick leave upon retirement will be eligible for Sick Leave Conversion toward retirement as then provided for under the rules and regulations of the Retirement Systems of Alabama for Sick Leave Conversion.


    Use of Sick Leave. Sick leave may only be taken when the employee is sick. No employee is entitled to use sick leave except for reason of personal illness. Any employee who violates or abuses sick leave shall be subject to disciplinary action. Department heads are responsible for enforcing these provisions by reviewing the use of sick leave on a regular monthly basis.

    In addition to the above, any sick leave taken in excess of three (3) consecutive work days (one (1) shift for firefighters) and any sick leave taken in excess of twelve (12) working days (six (6) shifts for firefighters) in any one calendar year must be supported by the certificate of a practicing physician.

    Sick leave will not be advanced to any employee under any circumstances. Sick leave will not be granted for any period immediately following an absence in non-pay status until the employee returns to duty, nor will the time that any employee is on leave-without-pay status be converted into sick leave. Sick leave will only be granted in hourly increments. If certificate is not presented to the department head, then vacation leave or leave without pay will be charged. Refer to the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for non-compensated leave. (Ord. No. A-78, 9-18-90)


    Judicial Leave. Upon receipt of a summons for jury service, an employee shall present this summons to his employer and shall thereupon be excused from employment during jury service. A full-time employee shall be entitled to his or her usual compensation received from such employment. (Section 12-16-8, Code of Alabama, 1975)


    Professional Leave. Leave with pay may be granted at the discretion of the department head to allow and employee to attend meetings or conventions of a professional nature that are devoted to subjects related to the improvement of the employee's capacity to perform in the job to which assigned.


    Bereavement Leave. Employees may be granted bereavement leave to attend a funeral of a member of the immediate family (spouse, child, mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, or grand-child). Such leave shall not exceed three (3) working days. (Res. of 4-19-83)


    Military Leave. Military leave shall be granted in accordance with Act No. 588 (approved November 19, 1959) of the Alabama Legislature. Such leave should be requested at least thirty (30) days in advance. Employee must file with the appropriate department of the city a copy of his or her orders at the time of the request for leave or prior to payment for leave. No employee on military leave shall be paid for more than one hundred sixty-eight (168) hours per calendar year unless deployed, which entitles the employee to an additional one hundred sixty-eight (168) hours. (Res. of 4-15-86)


    Leave Without Pay. Leave without pay will be granted only when all other accrued leave has been exhausted except during periods in which the employee is paid by the workman's compensation insurance company. Leave without pay will only be granted under extreme circumstances and must be fully justified by the employee and concurred by the department head. Leave without pay will be charged when any employee must be absent but has previously used all accrued vacation leave. The employee's pay check will be reduced accordingly. Refer to the FMLA.


    Maternity Leave. An employee who wishes to take maternity leave must submit a written application to the department head ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of leave, stating the approximate beginning and ending date. The employee will be allowed time off with pay, (if sick leave is available) not to exceed a three (3) month continuous period. The employee will retain all fringe benefits during leave period, and will continue to accrue any vacation leave, sick leave or seniority. If sick leave is not available, the employee will not be compensated and all payroll deductions will become the employee's responsibility. Refer to Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The employee will retain the same job or position to that which was previously held. On return to work after pregnancy, a doctor's certificate will be required certifying that the employee is able to perform her normal duties. Should the employee decide not to return to work after pregnancy, a letter of resignation to the department head and the civil service board will be required thirty 30) days before ending date of leave.



    All permanent employees become eligible to participate in the city's retirement at the time of employment. The non-certified employee contributes five (5) per cent of his gross salary and certified employees contribute six (6) per cent of his gross salary to the retirement program, and the city contributes the balance to the program.

    Retirement is mandatory for all full-time employees on the first day of the month following their seventieth birthday, except that such employees may be permitted, upon approval of the City Council, to continue in the employ of the city.

    See the city retirement plan for more specifics on the retirement program.

    If employees qualify with number of years and age under the State of Alabama Employee Insurance Board's Rule of 85, they may qualify for continuing coverage of benefits provided under the Rule of 85.



    The city observes the following paid holidays each year:

    New Year's Day Labor Day
    Good Friday Veteran's Day
    Memorial Day Thanksgiving (Thursday & Friday)
    Independence Day Christmas Eve
    Christmas Day


    If holiday falls on a Saturday will observe on Friday. If holiday falls on a Sunday will observe on Monday.

    Holidays, like vacations are generally not required by law but are a benefit to the employee by the City. Paid Holidays are only available for full-time employees. If a full-time employee is off on vacation or sick leave on the day of the holiday, then that day is considered a holiday and not vacation or sick leave. Holiday pay will not be paid if an employee is on lay-off status; a leave of absence; or, on leave without pay.

    Employees who are requested to work during a paid holiday will receive 8 hours holiday pay plus their regular pay for the actual hours worked. Employees working alternate work schedules will also receive 8 hours holiday pay.

    Employees that are being paid military time when a holiday occurs will receive 8 hours of holiday pay. If an employee has utilized their one hundred sixty-eight (168) hours of military time, holidays will not be paid, unless other leave is applicable.



    Employees required to wear uniforms by the city shall be provided a uniform or a replacement as necessary.



    Employees of the city are covered by social security regulations. For each one dollar ($1.00) paid by the employee, the city matches that payment with one dollar ($1.00) to the employee's social security (FICA) accounts.



    All city employees are covered by workman's compensation insurance, at no cost to the employee. The city pays one hundred (100%) per cent of the premium cost of the coverage.